How to choose the right shoes for training

When it comes time to start training again, you often have to upgrade your equipment; its composition will vary greatly depending on the sport or type of training practiced. One thing almost never changes: you will need to choose the right shoes. Indeed, choosing the wrong sports shoes can not only affect the effectiveness of your training but also increase the chances of injury. Check out this guide to make sure you make the right choice.

(It should be noted that we are more than aware of the restrictions brought about by the current health situation. That said, the following article aims to offer you content likely to help you in your purchases; it goes without saying that what affects gyms and indoor sports activities will have to be traded for the moment for home training or outdoor activity sessions. Never forget: with good shoes, you can always indulge in a host of activities!)

See our women's sports shoes

How much to invest in your training shoes?

While a sneaker sole that is too thin increases the risk of a sprained ankle or wearing a multi-sport shoe for long-distance jogging contributes to accelerating foot or shin injuries and pain, the amount spent on your shoes is not proportional to their performance.

The price will certainly vary according to the level of specialization of your sports shoe but also often according to the brand of this one.

When to choose “multisport” shoes

The multisport shoe, as its name suggests, can be worn for almost any sporting activity as long as the practice is of short duration and low to moderate intensity. Contrary to popular thought, some multisport shoes are also specialized; like those intended for crossfit for example.

A multi-sport shoe will usually be quite sturdy and offer increased foot and ankle support. Multisport shoes are suited for lateral movement unlike a running shoe which is designed for straight line movement.

If you play a sport like tennis or engage in outdoor sporting activities on a daily basis, the multisport shoe is right for you. Be careful, however, not to prioritize only the aesthetic aspect of your shoe; Ask our team for advice to ensure that even if your shoe is not highly specialized, it suits your needs and your feet.

Occasional or regular athletes?

First, it is important to know that the position of your feet in a training or sports activity context influences the alignment of all the other parts of your body, including the muscles and the joints.

If you practice a sport on a regular basis (we are talking here about three times a week), it will therefore be important to allocate a slightly higher budget for the purchase of your shoes. Beyond selecting a shoe that matches the shape and characteristics of your feet, consider where your foot will experience more pressure, repetitive movements and borrowed surfaces will impact how your shoe wears.

See our men's sports shoes

Several types of sneakers depending on the sport practiced

Again, the type of sport or activity will affect your choice of sneakers. Dance or Zumba, for example, require a wide variety of movements, in several directions. You will therefore need your foot to be protected and your ankle to be well supported. In addition, since hiking and walking only involve straight-line movements, the height of the heel, for example, may be an important factor.

gym sports sneakers

Best for the return to indoor training or sports practiced in the gym are shoes with rubber pads placed strategically under the sole. These will provide good traction and prevent you from falling to the ground. The mesh fabrics are also flexible and allow good ease of movement. Here too, aim for a well stabilized ankle!

Risks of using the wrong type of footwear

Here is a short list of things to watch out for that quickly reveal an inappropriate choice of training or sports shoe or that raise the level of risk during your exercises:

  • Your shoes are worn, even tired! Indeed your old pair of shoes will support your weight less well and can cause injuries to the feet as well as to the rest of the body;
  • You wear your shoes at all times. Reserve your sneakers for the practice of your sport, so you will avoid thwarting their effectiveness when practicing your favorite sport;
  • Bunions, damaged nails and multiple pains. A wrong size or unsuitable shoe will cause your body to send you very clear signals.
  • Badly laced shoes, ruined training! Otherwise, your foot will move in the shoe and pain in the shin and ankle, and even in the knees and hips will not be long in coming.

The lifespan of sports shoes

To put it simply, a runner will wear their running shoe for around 1000 km before having to change it. Then, you should know that not everyone takes care of their shoes in the same way; your weight and your stride will therefore be decisive. As mentioned earlier, reserving a sports shoe for sport is the best avenue.

The range and category of sneaker will also vary its lifespan; the type of materials as well as its technical aspects will slightly vary its maximum time of use.

In any case, it is important not only to properly maintain your sports equipment, but also your own equipment: your body! Joints, heels, toes and plantar area, preserve your limbs carefully and avoid injury. You will be able to practice your favorite sports and activities for a long time and savor every moment!

See our sports shoes for girls

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